Lochgilphead Free Church
of Scotland
Rev Kenneth A. MacRae
Lochgilphead 1915 to 1919
Rev Kenneth A. MacRae was a much loved Free Church minister and is well known worldwide for the diary he kept from 1912 to 1963 which was published by the Banner of Truth Trust in 1980.
Although written as his personal aid to a deepening relationship with his Saviour and with no thought of publication, many have benefitted from his recorded thoughts, experiences and concerns. Sadly it is no longer in print, but some used copies can still be found for purchase.
The Banner of Truth also published a tribute in the form of an online article by John J. Murray in 2014, Fifty years on - Remembering the Rev Kenneth A. MacRae to commemorate the 50th anniversary of his death.
We are privileged to have had Rev Kenneth A. MacRae as a former minister of our congregation.
In July 1915 the Presbytery of Inverary moderated a call to Mr MacRae from the Lochgilphead congregation. He had visited the congregation on several occasions during the vacancy and gladly accepted the call as being guided by God.
Lochgilphead was his first charge and he ministered here until the May 1919.
His diary records his love for the folk under his care in Lochgilphead and his ernest desire to see people commit their lives to the Lord Jesus Christ.
He preached not only in Lochgilphead but travelled throughout Argyll, and further afield, often by bicycle, to preach, pastor and lead worship.