Lochgilphead Free Church
of Scotland
We invite you to join us for worship on Sunday 1st September at 11.30 am when Rodger Crooks will preach from Mark chapter 12. There will be Sunday School during the service and tea and coffee for everyone afterwards. The 6 pm service will be here in Lochgilphead Free Church this week when Rodger will continue his series on the New Testament book of Revelation, preaching this week from Revelation chapter 18 & 19. There will be some supper and an opportunity to chat after the service. Everyone is welcome at both services which will also be available on Zoom. Please email rodger_crooks@hotmail.com if you would like the Zoom link.
Click here to listen to Rodger's previous sermons on Sermon Audio.
Lochgilphead Free Church of Scotland is made up of ordinary people from different backgrounds who trust in Jesus, God's Son, as our Saviour and Lord. As a result, we have experienced his forgiveness, peace and hope.
Knowing the Bible to be reliable and relevant for today, its teaching shapes our thinking and lifestyle.
The centrepiece of our life together is when we gather each Sunday at 11.30am and 6.00pm to worship our great God, who, as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, is our Maker, Redeemer, Helper and Friend. 
We warmly invite you to come and join us.
We are a congregation of the Free Church of Scotland made up of people from various backgrounds and ages. Our aim is to be a healthy Gospel church for our community.
We are dedicated to loving God, trusting in Jesus alone and relying on the Holy Spirit's help to become more like Jesus and serve our community and beyond in Jesus' name.
The Free Church of Scotland congregation in Lochgilphead was formed in 1843 and OUR STORY is not just our history, but the opportunities and challenges of the present and our vision for the future.
Of the ministers who have served here, perhaps the most famous is Rev Kenneth MacRae whose published diary has been a help to so many.
Sunday Services 11.30 am and 6 pm. Sunday School is during morning service.
Home Bible Study and Prayer groups on 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month at 10.30 am and 7.30 pm. Call Rodger on 07746698528 for more details.
Church prayer meeting on 2nd and 4th Wednesdays at 7 pm.
'Open-to-all' Community lunch last Thursday of the month 12-1.30pm. Restarts in Sept.
Dr Rodger Crooks' sermons are available on Sermon Audio.
Current series are Mark's Gospel, Revelation, and the Life of Abraham.
Previous series include Assurance, Ruth, Haggai, Habakkuk, Philippians, The Beatitudes the Fruit of the Spirit, The Lord's Prayer, 1 Thessalonians, A Healthy Gospel Church, and Seven Signs in John's Gospel,